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Sexual Health Blog By Dr. Sudhir Bhola
The Relationship Between Prostate Problems and Erectile Dysfunction
Understand the basics of prostate health and how it can lead to erectile dysfunction.
Pus Cells in Semen: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
What are pus cells in semen and how do they affect fertility in men?
The Positive Impact of Masturbation on Sexual Health and Happiness
Are there any positive effects of masturbation on our health? Let's explore!
Yoga for Erectile Dysfunction: A Natural Approach to Restore Vitality
How can one cure erectile dysfunction naturally with the help of Yoga?
Yoga and Mudra for Premature Ejaculation
Explore the best yoga poses and mudra for controlling premature ejaculation.
10 Exercises For Better and Longer Sex
Incorporating these exercises into your fitness routine can lead to more fulfilling and enjoyable sexual experiences.
Natural Viagra Alternatives: Boosting Erectile Function with Nature's Bounty
What is the Indian natural Viagra and its alternatives?
Foods For Preventing Erectile Dysfunction Naturally
Foods For Preventing Erectile Dysfunction Naturally
Which Dry Fruits Increase Testosterone Levels?
List of dry fruits for increasing and maintaining high testosterone levels.
Does Smoking Cause Erectile Dysfunction?
Does smoking cause erectile dysfunction?
Benefits and side effects of masturbation
Masturbation, the act of self-stimulation to achieve sexual pleasure, has been a topic of curiosity, debate, and exploration throughout...
Exploring the Best Ayurvedic Medicines for Infertility
Infertility can be a challenging and emotionally distressing journey for individuals or couples longing to conceive. In such cases,...
Testicle Pain After Ejaculation: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Testicle pain after ejaculation, also known as post-ejaculatory pain, is a condition that can cause discomfort and concern for many men....
Foods to add for Premature Ejaculation & Improved Sexual Health
Explore the best foods to add to your diet for premature ejaculation.
Exploring the Link Between Anxiety Disorders and Sexual Dysfunction
Anxiety disorders and sexual dysfunction are two prevalent yet often misunderstood conditions that can significantly impact an...
Watery Semen: Understanding the Causes and Potential Solutions
Watery semen can be a source of concern for men, as it may raise questions about their reproductive health. While semen consistency can...
Effects of Thyroid on male sexual health
The Link Between Hyperthyroidism And Sexual Dysfunction
Understanding the Impact of Diabetes on Male Sexual Health
Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of men worldwide. Beyond its impact on blood sugar control, diabetes can...
Should you discuss sexual problems with your partner?
Discussing problems with your partner is considered to be the best option as they are the ones who support you in your life's ups and downs.
How to differentiate In Organic And Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction
How to differentiate between psychogenic and organic ED. Natural treatment for erectile dysfunction.
How To Help Your Partner If He Has Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation can be quite stressful and anxiety-inducing, which can only exacerbate the problem. How can you help your partner?
Nightfall Causes, Myths, Treatment.
Let's first discuss what are the causes of nightfall, wet dreams, or nocturnal emissions. It is something which is more common in males...
How does phimosis affect your sexual performance?
How tight foreskin can lead to erectile dysfunction or even paraphimosis. Know the Dos and Don'ts.
Food Items That Help In Increasing Sperm Count Naturally
Sperm Count is one of the main factors that affect fertility. Explore the foods for increasing sperm count.
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